Deja Vu

Deja Vu

 Deja Vu
Deja Vu

what is Deja Vu? why it happen? why does it feel so real? i am not gonna write any fishy line like"is deja vu connects us to the other world or the dimension? or is deja vu revives our past life experiences?" look i did exactly the same thing which i said that i will not do. but,  what can i do i have check the analysis data that maximum people reply to these fishy lines, some like them, some just want to check what the hell is the person selling to world and who is buying it and there are some genius who doesn't fall to the trap at all.we are diverting from the topic so lets just started with the new chapter.

Deja Vu is an event" where people feel that they have gone through the same situation in their life" but it can't be true because sometimes we are in the very different places that we just visit for the first time. so this is possible to feel that we have lived this moment already.

Deja Vu is some kind of memory of repeating event from the past, or some people say we experience the same situation in our a nutshell, it may b experienced moment of ourselves. but if take this whole thing according to science, then we will see the different point of view.
wormholes, very fascinating and dreamy particles are existed in our universe, present everywhere. these are so small that we can't see it with our naked eyes or not even in the nanoscale range. when these particles forms cluster together, they form a passage to enter in the world, maybe a future or the past and then we enter in that world, where we are able to see the events for a very less time frame, that's what a Deja Vu

it depends upon either an entrance to past or future.if i enter in the past i will feel that.' i have already lived this moment before in my life.dejavu is very difficult to understand why it happens? what does it one know the main cause of the Deja Vu because it has no appropriate solution because also a wormhole can't be the solution to this because wormholes can open any portal to any time can be passed or future.and we can't explain about the future conditions according to a wormhole
